Monday, June 10, 2013

tv_watchonline - Sid Roth - It's Supernatural

tv_watchonline - Sid Roth - It's Supernatural

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Executive Summary: Eat your fruits and vegetables! | EWG's 2012 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce™

I had to share this because education is fundamental. This is why I garden and I would encourage anyone to do the same because not only will it improve you and your family's quality of health but it will also save you tons of money as well. Super easy.
Executive Summary: Eat your fruits and vegetables! | EWG's 2012 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce™

To grow 20 different fruits and veggies on one simple garden Go here 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

He knows our hearts

1 May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble! May the name of the God of Jacob protect you! 2 May he send you help from the sanctuary and give you support from Zion! 3 May he remember all your offerings and regard with favor your burnt sacrifices! Selah 4 May he grant you your heart's desire and fulfill all your plans! (ESV) That is straight out of Psalms 20 and 21.
The reason that I wanted to share that is because at one point I had become so caught up in doing what other people said that I should do that I became miserable and had to spend all of my time and efforts doing what they said instead of what made me happy. Instead of doing my intitial intentions from the beginning point...
The truth of the matter is that it was put into my life for a reason. It gave me a drive and an eagerness to reach people and educate them. God knows my desires and my intentions. He knows what I have on my heart because he put it there since I was a little girl to help people. It is not saying I havent messed up along the way because boy have I, (lol).
Going back to old school has been such a blessing to me. Gardening gets my kids and I from under the televison. It has brought me into paths with the garden tower which I can make income with. It has allowed me to meet and communicate with fabulous people who care about helping others instead of just making money.
I am so excited because God has a purpose for each and every one of us. He wants to bless us and see us do well so that we can bless others. Our nation has gone astray from helping children, the elderly and widows. If we were to come together and help each other once again, we would see how much farther our livelihoods would improve :-)

Friday, March 1, 2013

I am Loved. A dear friend

When I was young I had a strong relationship with my father. I was not one of those girls who was looking for a father figure when I left home. I rebelled to rebel and during that time I was my most miserable. I hear people say sex is freedom. I'm sorry but after you have sex you go back to the same life you had. Nothing changed in your mind, in your finances, nothing changed in your body except that you may be pregnant or have an STD. Real talk. When have you had sex and become victorious in any aspect of your life?
It is just like alcoholics or people hooked on drugs. People who over eat or under eat. People who live in fear or want people to fear them. Do you see where I'm going with this? Look around and look at the extremes. They are so bonding. Just look at how the media wants us to be filled with non stop thoughts. Everyone is so stressed out and so busy. We always have to be entertained.
We have hurry and go here and there which in turn makes us eat bad food. Just take a step back and look.
...and God is so simplistic. He made us to have someone to talk to. (That's why the Jehovah Witnesses are so full of crap!) He was walking with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. They were kicking it.
So why would God want us so busy???
When we become so busy we lose touch with God. When we become so distracted by always listening to music, always having television on, always working, etc when do we get a chance to breathe? Doesn't the bible tell us to meditate on his word day and night? God wants to speak to us, to have a relationship with him. Just like your spouse gets jealous, God does too.
Lets regain intimacy with God again.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Health Seminar

If you are in Honolulu, Hi please join me for this life changing event with Dr. Mitra Ray. Details are included in the document. If you have any questions please let me know.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Turning Tragedy into Triumph

When I was younger I used to get so easily discouraged. It was always about what I could get out of something or how something made me prettier. I have been through a lot just in my twenties. I've made friends and lost friends. I've loved and lost love. I've seen heart ache, prosperity and severe depression. I've lived through agony and loss. I've seen rage and tried suicide. I've simply lived...
But through it all I have been loved. God loved me even through all my wrong. He's made ways for me even at my worst. He's provided for me and my children and helped me help others.
I've been so discouraged before that I remember driving down the road and thinking to myself, I should just make a quick right off of this free way so that I wouldnt have to deal with this pain any longer. That is such evil. I am unsure if they were my thoughts or satanic thoughts, but they were so real to me.
From all that I have been through I have learned that its not about what we have done but what we choose to do with our lives. Our bodies, hearts and minds are so precious to God. Hes so jealous for our love. Our sadness, discouragement and sicknesses heart him. Have you ever been around someone that you loved that is so sick, that you feel so helpless, that you become angry? That's how God feels for us. Our sin and choice seperates us from his love, blessings and grace.
I wish I could help the world. But I can only help one person at a time. Such peace is in his presence.
We miss out on so much when we seperate ourselves from Gods love. I pray that this touches your heart today. Your so precious to him. You are wonderfully made. There is not one ounce of your body that shouldn't be appreciated. You have a purpose and a meaning that is specific to just you.
- Tameka

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Ultimate Prescription :: 9781414368177 :: James L. Marcum :: Tyndale House Publishers

I highly recommend everyone read this book!

The Ultimate Prescription :: 9781414368177 :: James L. Marcum :: Tyndale House Publishers

Would you like to discover the powerful ways God is part of the healing process? Do you think the media, the government, or your doctor is telling you the whole truth when it comes to health care? Are you tired of taking medications that really don't fix the problem? In The Ultimate Prescription, Dr. James Marcum, a board-certified cardiologist, in-demand speaker, and radio host, discusses these questions and many more from a biblical point of view. He encourages you to find the real answers about your health—and the health of your loved ones. Dr. Marcum explains what he believes is wrong with our current health care system, how to get back on track, and how the spiritual dimension of our health is often being ignored. Discover today the true path to healthy living in The Ultimate Prescription.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

When we lack vision

A few months ago after I had my son Isaiah I began going through my post partum depression. I was so tired and so weak that all I had energy to do was to gaze at the wall while I fed my son. My husband thought I was being lazy. Lol. Yes men often times do not understand but that is the beauty of marriages. They are supposed to mimic our relationship with God. We often times do not understand why things happen, I retract, we most of the time do not understand why things happen. A many of things are just lessons to be learned and moments where God wants to see us get closer to him and less closer to the devil.
....and post partum depression was one of those moments. It had been on my heart for a year to begin my own business. I kept putting it off and investing my money elsewhere. Yet, after being tired of being tired, I finally wrote this gal an email telling her I was ready.
The whole purpose of me starting this new journey was to guide people with education about how they can enjoy life 360 the way we are meant to enjoy it. I purchased a Value pack because I wanted to understand my business and the products. I immediately fell in love with everything because the products didn't make me sick they werent harsh, I could clean the bathroom and not hear my baby choke, and the vitamins gave me massive amounts of energy.
Mind you I was juicing, but juicing can become very tedious with having to clean up all the left overs.
However, during my quest to help people I ailed myself. I wanted to help people who didn't want to help themselves. I wanted to show people the value of what I was doing with free things but truth be told, they never cared. In the end it hurt me and crushed my spirit. So I began networking and learning about multi level marketing and boy is that a harsh world. You really have to be a car salesman to live in that world. That once again crushed my spirits.
....and even when you are at your weakest, that is when God shows you, puts you back on the right track, and gives you his strength.
Many people doubt me but when I begin to doubt myself is when I truly have lost.
I stopped everything and told the Lord, I need you. I need your help. I need your wisdom. I need your guidance. I've messed up doing it on my own.
The funny thing about it all, is that when you begin the quest of trying to get closer to God, the devil starts trying to break you even harder. It really is funny how many bad things have happened to me in a week. I really must be doing something right to make him try so hard, but all it did is put me in a humble place so that the Lord can show me where I really need to go.
I love my company. It is far superior than any I have encountered, but my company doesn't define me.
My name is Tameka. I love using natural ingredients to bring overall health.
To whomever is reading this, it is time to sit back and dig deep. What has God placed on your heart that really gives you peace? How can you encorporate it into your daily life so that you can earn a living from it?
These are the questions I had to get back to. Now, what steps do I need to take to achieve them? Write out your goals ans dreams. Create a dream board and then make short and long term goals. If you would love to talk to me please let me know. Many blessings and lt God be your light.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Doing the Right Thing

So I have been super busy the past few days. I am really trying to help families, moms, women and entrepreneurs earn a living from home. Our economy is doing a massive shift and we can see that through our recession. IT has such a presence in the global market. Ive spoken to so many people all over the world. It is such a cool experience and I am so excited to be a part of this explosion that is about to occur.
However with growth I have to remember who is my greatest sponsor. There is a larger calling to what I do and that is spreading the love and message of Jesus. The media is so anti Christianity but in all darkness there is a light that surpasses ignorance and doubt. I believe that we are going to see such a great expansion of vitctory, health, financial prosperity and growth in the Christian community.
In order to keep going forward through moments of struggle we need to step back sometimes in order to allow God to show us in which direction HE wants us to go.
Psalms 15 talks about walking blamelessly, speaking truth, not slandering people, to not bribe and put your money towards selfish approaches. That is what I love about what I do. It is more than just making money, it is about helping those around me. It surprises me how many people lose interest during training when I tell them to evaluate who they can help.
Another entity that loses people is their inability for growth. The bible says to be humble like a child. That is one of my constant prayers. I want to learn. When I network I tell them to teach me. I can't help my team, I can't help people get better physically or mentally if I don't slow down and become a good listener.
Have you ever spoken to someone and they just ramble on and on? They don't let you get a breath in without their input. This is something that I feel like I can improve upon. When I meet people now I want to learn about them. What are their dreams, goals and aspirations? The crazy thing about it all is this is the same thing God wants us to do. He tells us to be ever prayerful. If we don't cry out to him and worship him, the rocks will do it. How many times have you really cried out to God? And im not saying screaming his name in vain either. How many times have you spoken blessings over your dreams and goals? God places them on our heart's for a reason. He has a mission, a role and a plan for us even before we thought of it. Slow down your thoughts. Meditating on a light isn't going to give us insight but meditating on his words brings forth life.

Friday, January 25, 2013

The Lord Restores

Today has been a day of blessing and revelation. There has been a lot of things that would have normally broken my spirits. I would have been discouraged and highly angered, but the spirit of God sets us free. There is freedom in Christ that the unbeliever cannot comprehend.
Today was a day of blessing and revelation. In my bed I read Psalms 14. Verse one says
"The fool in his heart says that there is no God.", and verse 7,
"The Lord restores the fortunes of his people."
I am so thankful that I do not have to sell my soul to popularity, degradation or other worldly mentalities inorder to reach wealth. God wants us blessed so that we are able to bless the church, bless the families who have less, children that are orphaned, and the poor. We have gone so far away from what God wants us to be. As the church we are supposed to help those around us so that people aren't dependent upon the government.
We are currently in a state where the government is taking more and more control over our lives. We are so close to being a socialist society, but I am here to tell you that God wants us dependent on him. He had commanded us to work to earn the food we eat.
The last time our nation had such a high unemployment rate for such a long period of time was during the Great Depression. There was an economic shift from earning a living in agriculture to industry. Now our culture is leaving industry and has entered into the IT phase.
The educated and uneducated communities all fit into the unemployed category right now. So many people are so fearful of entering the cyber space work force, but there is a lot of potential out there, we just need to walk in wisdom.
We need to intrust God to use us and guide us into making the appropriate decisions for our own personal prosperity. Where do you see yourself in a year? In five years?
If you have thirty to fourty-five minutes I will show you how to enter this cyberspace world and work from home. This has given me the opportunity to see my son's firsts and do preschool with my daughter. We garden together and dance together. It has been such a blessing. If you are ready to live a life of enjoyment and allow myself to team up with you to a road of success please fill out my online form so that I may contact you. lets begin a new life together with overall wellness.